
Asimov 的基地系列電影準備開拍


New Line 的創辦人 Bob Shaye 和 Michael Lynne 日前簽下合約,準備和 Warner Brothers 一起製作「基地」三部曲的電影。目前先做第一集,如果票房成功的話,會仿造「魔戒之王」把三部曲做完。


究竟帝國會不會開死星來打 Terminus 呢?First Speaker 出場大概就是標準的金光鬥劍光吧。The Mule 當然是要在「緊要關頭」的時候,才會被女角發現他永垂不朽。X-D



2008 Week 30 (20.07.08 ~ 26.07.08) 人物訪談連結

Iain Banks Q&Aed by readers (21.07.08)
Marie Brennan interviewed in Omnivoracious (24.07.08)
Jacqueline Carey interviewed in Media Blvd (21.07.08)
David Anthony Durham interviewed in If You're Just Joining Us (25.07.08)
Gregory Frost interviewed in FantasyBookSpot (21.07.08)
Jamie Hewlett interviewed in Guardian (20.07.08)
Marjorie M. Liu interviewed in Authorial, agently and personal ramblings (21.07.08)
Christopher Priest interviewed in Fruitless Recursion (23.07.08)
David Schwartz interviewed in Omnivoracious (23.07.08)
Ekaterina Sedia interviewed in Fantasy Magazine (24.07.08)


2008 Week 30 (20.07.08 ~ 26.07.08) 免費小說線上合法下載

Apex Digest Online #1
Kevin J. Anderson, "Newts" (2007) [podcast]
Mike Brotherton, "The Point" (2007) [podcast]
Gordon Randall Garrett, "Hail to the Chief" (1963)
Jim C. Hines, "Goblin Lullaby" (2006) [podcast]
Raymond F. Jones, "The Memory of Mars" (1961)
Philip Francis Nowlan, "The Prince of Mars Returns" (1940)
Fred Ollinger, "Sentience Stigmata" [podcast]
James H. Schmitz, Legacy (1962)
Lee Tarbell, "Valley of the Croen" (1949)
Jeffrey Valka, "Tooth Fairy" (2007)
James Morgan Walsh, Vandals of the Void (1931)
Jack Williamson, "The Cosmic Express" (1930)
Jonathan Wood, "Scary Monsters" (2008)


2008 Prometheus Awards 得主

今年提前公布得獎者好像變成一種潮流,下個月 WorldCon 才要頒的 Prometheus Awards 現在就公布了。得獎的是:

The Gladiator, Harry Turtledove (Tor)
Ha'Penny, Jo Walton (Tor)

A Clockwork Orange《發條橘子》), Anthony Burgess




cyberspace 翻譯成中文的意思,簡單來說,就是「符碼控制領域」,大多數的人都按照音譯,譯為「賽爆」〔sic,塞爆〕或「賽博」,其實是有問題的。
當然 cyber 怎麼翻已經是討論到翻掉的問題,在本病灶搬家之前的《阿伊朵》書介文末多少有討論到。(話說無名已經把舊站給砍了,之前和六百討論「符控流域」的內容沒備份 X-D)身為「塞爆」的愛用者,我覺得有必要出來解釋一下,其實「塞爆」,甚至「賽博」本身,還是有其意譯的精神存在。不過在被「塞爆」之前,先來看看幾個臺灣科幻圈針對 cyber- 的譯名問題。

1. cyberspace -> 位元空間
這個譯詞由總舵主所提出,但是他卻犯了最基本的錯誤,把現世科技套用在科幻想像之上。cyberspace 是 William Gibson 發明的,經過科幻作品後來的演進、發展,原本由人類神經系統(含大腦)直接和計算機(嘿嘿,computer 不翻成電腦是有眉角的)網路相連結而成的場域未必一定要依照所謂的「數位」系統而運作。既然不是數位,也就不全然由「位元」所組成。就算以現有的科技來套,「位元空間」的說法仍排除了不該排除的類比電路、乏析(fuzzy)電路,乃至於生物神經系統的「濕體」(wetware)。只是他這一篇當年放在《科學月刊》裡,影響層面比下面的辭彙要大上許多。

2. cyber -> 電馭(馭電〔動詞型〕)
這個譯詞由副總舵主提出。首先最大的問題就是和電綁在一起,而「馭電」望文生義會令人想到「駕馭、操縱電(electricity)」的能力,一方面會產生概念上的混淆,例:Benjamin Franklin 是「馭電」界的先驅!(* 大誤 *)另一方面則會令人聯想到超級英雄那個方向(拜請浪子兄開示~~~)。像當年(大概二十年前)「臺視影集,有口皆呸」時期的《電幻天龍》即為其例。而且把 cyber 和電綁在一起,是不是意味著沒電就沒得玩了?重點不是在「電」,而是在「資料」、「資訊」、「符號控制」啊!

3. cyberpunk -> 賽博朋克
這是中國的譯法。由於臺灣有部分研究生寫科幻相關論文時不會參考洋文原典文獻,只會從中國取偽經,所以還不少人用。我小時候不懂事,以為「賽博」是單純的音譯,後來才想到,這樣翻隱含有網路資訊量極為廣博龐大的意思。只是基於在 cyberspace 內走跳的資料流往往不全是有用的資訊,更多時候反而是無意義的雜訊,翻成「賽博」就有點流於溢美了。我看過有人寫成「賽伯」,除了音譯外想不出更好的解釋。至於 punk 翻成「朋克」味道就比「叛客」遜色不少,只是想到 punk(不管是 cyber- 或 steam- 還是XX)文類發展歷程中總是有被馴化、收編,或是被主流所跟進乃至於成為新主流(cyberpunk 衍生 cyberculture,Gibson 被當先知來拜就是最好的例證)的現象。小小改個字,把「朋克」改成「朋客」,或許正能反映出從「叛客」到「朋客」的趣味。

4. cyberspace -> 符控流域
這個出處就是李家沂教授所翻譯的《阿伊朵》。由於 cyber 是從 cybernetics 來的,翻成符控(符號〔碼〕控制)兼顧其字源來由,也明顯表現出以 cyber- 為字首的單字中所包含的資訊流、符號流及控制意義,算是很完備的譯法。當初和六百討論的時候,我只對「流域」有意見。畢竟 space 還是翻成「空間」為多,而「流域」和水文系統在認知上的深刻連結是難以切斷的。若是解釋成「符控流‧域」當然可以通,但「符控空間」其實就不錯了,「符控(場)域」又稍嫌莫測高深了些。不過把 cyber- 翻成「符控」應該是可以推廣努力的方向。

講了那麼多,最後來看看「塞爆」吧。事實上,我不是全臺灣第一個用「塞爆」翻 cyber 的人。在上個世紀到本世紀初的前一兩年,我還是傾向使用「網路空間」(cyberspace)、「網路〔電腦〕叛客」(cyberpunk),對於 cyber- 字首則採用見招拆招,看文義決定譯詞的方式。直到某日看到《中外文學》上面有人開始翻「塞爆空間」和「塞爆叛客」,我一開始還頗不以為然,後來在已倒站的臺大電機 Maxwell BBS 上的科幻板中,板友 journeyman 提出頗富思考價值的見解。印象中他是這麼說的:「把 cyberwar 翻作『塞爆戰』或許才是絕譯。電子戰會和現有術語混淆;資訊戰又有點不怎麼真切;塞爆戰才真正把戰場上充斥著各式各樣來不及蒐集、分析的訊號、資料完整呈現出來。」後來我再進一步思索,發現所有 cyber- 字首的字眼幾乎可以套用「資料量大到塞爆頻寬」的概念,在「頻寬是王」的塞爆世界觀中更具意義;更何況,「塞爆」簡單有力、淺顯易懂,方便意會言傳,因此我從原本的排斥轉而成為愛用者了。

當然,把 cyber 翻成「塞爆」也不是全然沒問題的,像 cybersex 就...... X-D



2008 The Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award 得主

不同於大師獎,Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award 頒發的目的,就是要表彰類似 Cordwainer Smith,作品雖漸漸被人遺忘,但其重要性和經典程度卻值得行內永遠緬懷、效法的作家。今年於 ReaderCon 頒獎,得獎的是 Stanley G. Weinbaum (1902 - 1935)。

Weinbaum 的科幻創作生涯雖然短暫,但他的短篇 "A Martian Odyssey" 堪稱科幻史上最具影響力的作品之一,成為後世作家撰寫人類與異星生命體在幾乎無法溝通的情況下如何進行 first contact 的準繩。


2008 Week 29 (13.07.08 ~ 19.07.08) 人物訪談連結

Terry Brooks interviewed in SF Site (16.07.08)
Eric Brown interviewed in Matrix (29.05.08)
Kendra Leigh Castle interviewed in SFScope (17.07.08)
Keith R. A. DeCandido interviewed in Associated Content (16.07.08)
David Louis Edelman interviewed in Wyrdsmiths (15.07.08)
Gregory Frost interviewed in FantasyBookSpot (16.07.08)
Stephen Hunt interviewed in Omnivoracious (17.07.08)
Joe R. Landsdale interviewed in Dark Horse Comics (18.07.08)
James Patrick Kelly & Matthew Wayne Selznick podcast-interviewed in Adventures in SciFi Publishing (15.07.08)
Ken MacLeod podcast-interviewed in The SciFiDimensions Podcast (14.07.08)
China Mieville interviewed in Post-Weird Thoughts (17.07.08)
Vera Nazarian interviewed in Bibliophile Stalker (15.07.08)
Rob Rogers interviewed by Rescued by Nerds (14.07.08)
Robert Silverberg interviewed in Pyr-o-mania (14.07.08)
D. L. Snell interviewed in Apex Digest (07.08)
Bruce Sterling interviewed in Matrix (22.05.08)
Shaun Tan interviewed in Articulate (16.07.08)
Jeffrey Thomas interviewed in SFX (15.07.08)
Harry Turtledove podcast-interviewed in The Future and You (16.07.08)
Wil Wheaton interviewed in ComicMix (14.07.08)
Edward Willett interviewed in The World in the Satin Bag (18.07.08)
Walter Jon Williams interviewed in Concept Sci-fi (07.08)


2008 Week 29 (13.07.08 ~ 19.07.08) 免費小說線上合法下載

StarShipSofa: Aural Delight 33
Wilder Anthony, "When Super-Apes Plot"
Fredric Brown, "Arena" (1944)
John W. Campbell, The Black Star Passes (1953 c.) [podcast]
Cory Doctorow, "Nimby and The Dimension Hoppers" (2008)
Gordon Randall Garrett, "Cum Grano Salis" (1959)
Darren R. Hawkins, "From the Hands of Hostile Gods" (2003)

Adam La Rusic, "Photo Finish" [podcast]
Andy Lane, Doctor Who and the Empire of Glass (1995)
Meghan McCarron, "The Magician's House" (2008)
H. Beam Piper, Little Fuzzy (1962) [podcast]
Edgar Allan Poe, "The Cask of Amontillado" (1846) [podcast]
Cat Rambo, "Magnificent Pigs" (2006) [podcast]
Justin Richards, Doctor Who: The Sands of Time (1996)
Benjamin Rosenbaum, "The Valley of Giants" (2004)
Mary Rosenblum, "The Rainmaker" (1998) [podcast]
Gary Russell, Doctor Who and the Scales of Injustice (1996)
M.P. Shiel, Prince Zaleski (1895)
Katherine Sparrow, "These Days" (2008)
John Stewart Williamson, "The Cosmic Express" (1930)
Montague Truex, Ph. D., "Shrouds of the Death-Crypts" (1947)
Frank Wu, "Love and Death in the Time of Monsters" (2007) [podcast]

Robert J. Sawyer 短篇大放送:


2009 年新大師出爐!

SFWA 動作果然快速,日前已宣布明年度的大師獎(Demon Knight Memorial Grandmaster Award)的得主。

新大師是 Harry Harrison!



《機器人咬人》(How To Survive a Robot Uprising,2005)by Daniel H. Wilson



讀完以後最實用的地方大概是抓科幻片的 bug 吧?然而,這種書也差不多就是副總舵主最喜歡的形式,夠輕夠薄夠酷夠炫,反正有科幻創意就好咩!

丹尼爾‧威爾森(Daniel H. Wilson),《機器人咬人》How To Survive a Robot Uprising),楊彝安 譯(臺北縣新店市:木馬,2008)


2008 Campbell & Sturgeon Awards 的第二、三名


John W. Campbell Memorial Award
第二名:The Yiddish Policeman's Union, Michael Chabon
第三名:The Execution Channel, Ken MacLeod

Theodore Sturgeon Award
"Memorare," Gene Wolfe
"The Master Miller's Tale," Ian R. MacLeod


2008 Week 28 (06.07.08 ~ 12.07.08) 人物訪談連結

Kevin J. Anderson interviewed in Sci-Fi Fan Letter (06.07.08)
Ralph Bakshi interviewed in The Bat Segundo Show (10.07.08)
Ray Bradbury interviewed in Adventures in SciFi Publishing (05.05)
Robert Buettner podcast-interviewed in Adventures in SciFi Publishing (07.04.08)
Thomas M. Disch interviewed in The Bat Segundo Show (25.06.08) Disch 生前最後一次受訪
Bob Kane podcast-interviewed in NPR (11.07.08)
Kelly Link & Lou Anders interviewed in Adventures in SciFi Publishing (09.07.08)
David Louis Edelman interviewed in Pyr-o-mania (08.07.08)
David Louis Edelman interviewed by Mike Brotherton (08.07.08)
David Louis Edelman interviewed by Simon Haynes (08.07.08)
David Louis Edelman podcast-interviewed in If You're Just Joining Us (10.07.08)
Ron Goulart interviewed in Courant (09.07.08)
Daryl Gregory interviewed in Publishers Weekly (08.07.08)
Paul Kearney interviewed in SFF World (09.07.08)
Rick Klaw interviewed in Enter the Octopus (07.07.08)
Jennifer Pelland interviewed in The Nebula Awards (08.07.08)
Tom Piccirilli interviewed in SFScope (09.07.08)
Terry Pratchett interviewed in SFX (09.07.08)
Kristine Kathryn Rusch interviewed in Blogging the Muse (09.07.08)
Jo Walton interviewed in Physicality of Words (22.06.08)


2008 International Horror Guild Awards 入圍名單

本評審獎項預定於十月卅一日在官方網站線上頒獎(這還滿新奇的)。其中作家 Peter Straub 獲選為今年度 International Horror Guild Living Legend。以下摘錄成書小說項目的入圍名單:

Grin of the Dark, Ramsey Campbell (PS Publishing)
Generation Loss, Elizabeth Hand (Small Beer Press)
The Missing, Sarah Langan (HarperCollns)
Season of the Witch, Natasha Mostert (Dutton)
The Terror.(《極地惡靈》) Dan Simmons (Little, Brown & Company)

The Imago Sequence and Other Stories, Laird Barron (Night Shade Books)
Plots and Misadventures, Stephen Gallagher (Subterranean Press)
Shadows Kith and Kin, Joe R. Lansdale (Subterranean Press)
Masques of Satan, Reggie Oliver (Ash Tree Press)
Dagger Key and Other Stories, Lucius Shepard (PS Publishing)

Inferno, Ellen Datlow, editor (Tor)
Summer Chills, Stephen Jones, editor (Carroll & Graf)
American Supernatural Tales, S.T. Joshi, editor (Penguin)
Strange Tales Volume II, Rosalie Parker, editor (Tartarus Press)
At Ease with the Dead, Barbara and Christopher Roden, editors (Ash Tree Press)



2008 Week 28 (06.07.08 ~ 12.07.08) 免費小說線上合法下載

Concept #1 (July 2008)
Kris Ashton, "Modifications" [podcast]
Elizabeth Bear, "The Something-Dreaming Game" (2007) [podcast]
Leah Bobet, "Bell, Book, and Candle" (2008)
Ellsworth Douglass, Pharaoh's Broker (1899)
Edmond Hamilton, "The Stars, My Brothers" (1962)
Matthew Jarpe, "Chicken Soup for Mars and Venus" (2004) [podcast] part I
Gwyneth Jones, "The Tomb Wife" (2007) [podcast] part I, part II
Richard Kadrey, "The Tears of the Moon" (2002)
Allen Kim Lang, "The Great Potlatch Riots" (1959)
Ann Leckie, "Marsh Gods" (2008)
Yoon Ha Lee, "Eating Hearts" (2005) [podcast]
James Maxey, "Tornado of Sparks" (2007)
Mike Resnick, "Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge" (in Subterranean Magazine, summer 2008)
Richard Sabia, "The Premiere" (1959)
Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster, "Reign of the Superman" (1933)
Lee Tarbell, "Valley of the Croen" (1949)

Karen Traviss, City of Pearl (2004) 全本小說!
不過要透過 HarperCollins 的電子書線上購買系統輸入 coupon "EOS4" 後購入才能下載。

Kristine Kathryn Rusch, The Disappeared (2002) 完整朗讀版!


《末世男女》(Oryx and Crake,2003)by Margaret Atwood


整本書看下來,最引人注目的部分是近未來(要說現代也可以)由(生技)企業所控制的社會逐漸衰敗,然後在某人為事件中突然崩毀的過程。人想當神然後歸組害了了的模式已經老到不能再老,因此 Atwood 試圖以反映現下「趨勢」的未來世界「預測」來說服讀者。於是行內外的分歧點就在這裡出現了:一般讀者看到這些描述往往大感驚奇,而懾服於作者「豐沛」的想像力及所夾帶的強烈批判色彩。然而這種想像與批判在科幻作品中,特別是反烏托邦的主題裡,已經是五十年前甚至更古老的形式。Atwood 愈是寫得駭人聽聞,愈表現出她就是刻意要將自己意識型態篩選批判後的內容灌輸給讀者,根本不留其他發展空間的可能。這在 1960s 以後中上等級的科幻作品已經很難見到,畢竟行內比較習慣讓讀者自己去想。當然我不是要反駁 Atwood 所敘述的種種問題(包括網路性泛濫 X-D〔我就是不爽她批鬥 Naked News,當初我就是靠該電視臺草創期還可以免$$看全部內容的時候奠定英聽基礎,除了脫衣以外,該臺可專業得很〕、優勢社群對弱勢的剝削等)不真切反映現實,但她的世界是她寫了就算,完全不留自行發展的空間。

就連書中主角們的性格也要為大前提服務。Crake 是標準的無道德感(瘋狂?)科學家、鮮少出現的 Oryx 則是「神女←→女神」形象的來回投射,Jimmy/Snowman 則設定成無能嘴泡男,全程參與但也全程旁觀。比較有意思的反而是那群「精心設計」過的 children of Crake,只是想到 The Eloi 乃至於 Bikura,Atwood 的創意也就算不上創意了。

唯一的優點大概就是她的文筆和鋪陳比普通科幻還強一點。但從新浪潮之後,科幻敘事的複雜、優美程度絕對不輸主流,更不用說本世紀所興起的 New Weird 還更具實驗性質。這一點坦白說 Atwood 也討不到什麼便宜。

所以,當 Atwood 跳出來說她不是在寫科幻的時候,我心裡其實是很贊同她的。當然理由不一樣,因為我認為儘管她大概也不認同 technothriller,但她寫出來的東西以及所產生的效果,和 technothriller 居然相去無幾,科幻作品可沒這麼淺啊!只是她還敢自稱寫 speculative fiction,天哪,就別侮辱當年提出這個名詞的 Robert A. Heinlein 和將它重新定義後發揚光大的 Judith Merril 啦!

瑪格麗特‧愛特伍(Margaret Atwood),《末世男女》Oryx and Crake),韋清琦、袁霞 譯(臺北市:天培,2004)

http://www.oryxandcrake.co.uk/perfectstorm.asp〔戰文段落摘錄如下,我當年看到這一段從此開始杜爛 Atwood〕
Like The Handmaid's Tale, Oryx and Crake is a speculative fiction, not a science fiction proper. It contains no intergalactic space travel, no teleportation, no Martians. As with The Handmaid's Tale, it invents nothing we haven't already invented or started to invent. Every novel begins with a what if, and then sets forth its axioms. The what if of Oryx and Crake is simply, What if we continue down the road we're already on? How slippery is the slope? What are our saving graces? Who's got the will to stop us?



http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue325/excess.html by John Clute〔Clute 老大的重砲回擊當然必讀!以下恭錄戰文段落,請特別注意 SF 和 sci-fi 在此處的使用〕
Balked by some seemingly unaddressable refusal to do her homework in the ways the 21st century is actually being made storyable by writers who have gone to school, Atwood is of course not writing contemporary SF about the near future, which is one of the most difficult and learned creative enterprises—hard-to-master regions of the imagination—a writer can envisage, now that the human race has become isomorphous with the data that iterate the real; what Atwood is in fact writing is sci-fi about the near future as envisioned by Hollywood. Her sisters and brothers of the cloth are not Sterling or Stephenson but the beleaguered souls who novelize Star Trek or Star Wars in obedience to bibles that constrain them to a view of the world as deeply retro as the world we encounter in Oryx and Crake, as Christopher Walken's son encounters in Blast from the Past.
http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=M1ARTM0012467 by Brian Bethune
http://contemporarylit.about.com/od/sciencefictionreviews/fr/oryxAndCrake.htm by Evan Dashevsky
http://www.dragonsworn.com/reviews/books/oryxandcrake.html by dragonsworn staff
http://www.reviewsofbooks.com/oryx_and_crake/review/ by W. R. Greer
http://www.ortholog.com/archive/read/oryx_and_crake.php by Zac Hanley〔戰得好!〕
http://www.geocities.com/fantasticreviews/oryx_and_crake.htm by Aaron Hughes〔逆襲!〕
http://www.popmatters.com/books/reviews/o/oryx-and-crake.shtml by Bruce F. MacDonald
http://www.spikemagazine.com/1103margaretatwood.php by Jayne Margetts
http://dir.salon.com/story/books/review/2003/05/27/atwood/index.html by Laura Miller
http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,448927,00.html by Oliver Morton
http://januarymagazine.com/fiction/oryxandcrake.html by Linda L. Richards
http://www.sfwriter.com/broryx2.htm by Robert J. Sawyer〔加拿大頭牌科幻作家也來戰同胞! X-D 一樣恭錄戰文:〕
But after finishing Oryx and Crake, I better understand Margaret Atwood's reluctance to let her work be considered as science fiction. And that's simply that it comes off poorly in comparison to the truly great works in the genre.
http://www.eclectica.org/v7n3/skea_atwood.html by Ann Skea
http://www.infinityplus.co.uk/nonfiction/oryxandcrake.htm by Jeremy Smith
http://books.guardian.co.uk/reviews/generalfiction/0,,953225,00.html by Joan Smith
http://www.scifidimensions.com/Feb05/oryxandcrake.htm by John C. Snider
http://www.sfsite.com/10a/oc161.htm by Victoria Strauss
http://mostlyfiction.com/scifi/atwood.htm by Mary Whipple

http://kdegelau.blogspot.com/2006/02/oryx-and-crake.html by Kate Degelau-Pierce
http://www.sindark.com/2007/09/23/oryx-and-crake/ by Milan lnyckyj
http://kenliu.name/simplicitas/2003/06/03/oryx-and-crake/ by K. Y. Liu
http://www.scrollinspace.com/article.php/20041006140031861 by Melanie jo Watts

http://blog.yam.com/elish/article/4037780 by elish
http://blog.sina.com.tw/su1977/article.php?pbgid=1913&entryid=268249 by su
http://www.monkey.com.tw/wolf/unde/unde040925_01.htm by 臥斧
http://urochordate.com/mt2/readers_note/post_339.html by 封狼
http://blog.udn.com/whitewings/2943 by 流浪


Locus Awards 計票疑雲?!

據說這項議題在本期的 Locus 中有討論,不過我還沒收到。由於 Locus 當局在收到選票後,發現非訂戶的票遠比訂戶還多,於是在票選結束後更改計票規則,將訂戶的票加倍計數,最後得到公開版的結果

根據了解,得獎者因此生變的有 First Novel 從 Patrick Rothfuss 的 The Name of the Wind 換成 Joe Hill 的 Heart-Shaped Box《心形盒》);Collection 也從 Cory Doctorow 的 Overclocked 換成 Connie Willis 的 The Winds of Marble Arch and Other Stories

行內人士對此大加躂伐,已經有不少網路知名評論人士發聲抗議,甚至認為科奇幻獎項已經失去其意義。我雖然是 Locus 的訂戶,但也深深以為不妥,畢竟獎項的公信力永遠比護航誰得獎要重要得太多了。

http://vectoreditors.wordpress.com/2008/07/08/locus-pocus/ Vector 評論雜誌的主編 Niall Harrison
http://clarkesworld.livejournal.com/118704.html Clarkesworld 雜誌的主編 Neil Clarke
http://nethspace.blogspot.com/2008/07/its-official-all-sff-awards-are-useless.html Neth Space 的 Ken
http://www.sfawardswatch.com/?p=815 Science Fiction Awards Watch 的綜合評論

2008 Campbell & Sturgeon Awards 揭曉

儘管 Campbell Conference 要到明天才會正式登場,這兩個獎到後天才會頒,不過得獎者已經出爐了。

John W. Campbell Memorial Award 的得主是
  In War Times by Kathleen Ann Goonan

Theodore Sturgeon Award 今年則打成平手,得主分別是:
  "Tideline" by Elizabeth Bear(我的讀後短介
  "Finisterra" by David Moles





一樣是轉貼訊息,不過這一場我會參加(不去也不行 ^^||),可以點選大塊文化活動部落格的網頁報名。不知道到時會不會變成 ptt 科幻板板聚......


主 題:《海柏利昂》(內容試讀
時 間:2008 年 7 月 26 日星期六 14:30
地 點:L’Ecole Cafe B1(台北市青田街1巷6號,新生國小旁,TEL:02-23222725)
(如果你想參加,可以提前報名:light at locuspublishing.com)









2008 Week 27 (29.06.08 ~ 05.07.08) 人物訪談連結

Kevin J. Anderson podcast-interviewed in The Future and You (02.07.08)
Paolo Bacigalupi podcast-interviewed by Rick Kleffel in NPR (29.06.08)
Paolo Bacigalupi interviewed in SFRevu (07.08)
Paolo Bacigalupi interviewed in Bibliophile Stalker (01.07.08)
Max Brooks interviewed in ComicMix (29.06.08)
Mike Carey interviewed in SFRevu (29.06.08)
Arthur C. Clarke interviewed by George Zebrowski in Sci Fi Weekly (1999, 2000)
Carol Emshwiller interviewed in The Agony Column (27.06.08)
Tim Etchells interviewed in Big Dumb Object (01.07.08)
Jaine Fenn interviewed in Graeme's Fantasy Book Review (30.06.08)
Neil Gaiman podcast-interviewed in The Book Show (02.07.08)
John Grant interviewed by Jeff VanderMeer in Clarkesworld Magazine #22 (07.08)
Laurell K. Hamilton podcast-interviewed in The Dragon Page (23.06.08)
Joe Hill interviewed by Charles Tan in The Shirley Jackson Awards (02.07.08)
Nancy Kress interviewed in Adventures in Reading (30.06.08)
Nancy Kress interviewed by Jen West in The Nebula Awards (01.07.08)
Nancy Kress interviewed by Mike Brotherton in SF Crowsnest (01.07.08)
Nancy Kress interviewed by Paul Raven in Futurismic (03.07.08)
Jay Lake interviewed by Alethea Kontis in Subterranean Magazine (summer 2008)
Jay Lake interviewed in SF Crowsnest (01.07.08)
James Morrow podcast-interviewed in The SciFiDimensions Podcast (30.06.08)
Pat Murphy podcast-interviewed in The Agony Column (26.06.08)
Jack O'Connell interviewed by Jeff VanderMeer in Omnivoracious (01.07.08)
Cat Rambo interviewed by Marshall Payne in The Fix (01.07.08)
Robert J. Sawyer interviewed by Geoff Willmetts in SF Crowsnest (24.06.08)
Ekaterina Sedia interviewed by Matt Staggs in Enter the Octopus (01.07.08)
William Browning Spencer interviewed by Charles Tan in The Shirley Jackson Awards (01.07.08)
Rachel Swirsky interviewed by Matt Staggs in Enter the Octopus (28.06.08)
John Varley interviewed in The World in the Satin Bag (30.06.08)
David J. Williams interviewed by Jeff VanderMeer in Omnivoracious (30.06.08)
Walter Jon Williams interviewed by John Joseph Adams in Night Shade Books (01.07.08)


科幻作家 Thomas M. Disch (1940 - 2008) 逝世

剛從醫院回來就看到這則消息。科幻作家、評論家、詩人 Thomas M. Disch 七月四日於紐約自宅中自戕身亡,享年六十八歲。根據名編輯 Ellen Datlow 的說法,Disch 在他的長期伴侶 Charles Naylor 逝世後,情緒即陷入低谷,多年來也擔心被逐出現居的公寓。因此他的境遇更令人不勝唏噓。

Disch 在 1962 年以短篇 "The Double-Timer" 出道,隨即以長篇小說 The Genocides (1965) 吸引眾人目光,Camp Concentration (1968) 和 334 (1974) 更可列入經典之林。科幻評論方面,The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of 奪得當年度雨果獎最佳非小說獎。最新的作品則是 2005 年出版的 On SF

我讀過 The Genocides,情節內容頗令人讚嘆;而 The Dreams Out Stuff Is Made Of 更是幫助我建立個人科幻觀的重要著作。在此獻上無限的追思與哀悼。

Locus Online 的訃聞:http://www.locusmag.com/2008/Disch_Obit.html
Wikipedia entry:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_M._Disch
Disch 本人的 LiveJournal:http://tomsdisch.livejournal.com/


2008 Week 27 (29.06.08 ~ 05.07.08) 免費小說線上合法下載

ChiZine #37 (07-09/2008)
Helix #9 (summer 2008)
David Brin, "Those Eyes" (1994) [podcast]
Frederic Brown, "Arena" (1944)
Ron Cocking, "Warning from the Stars" (1959)
Randall Garret, The Highest Treason (1961) [podcast]
Jim C. Hines, "Spell of the Sparrow" (2004) [podcast]
Robert E. Howard, "Champ of the Forecastle"
Richard Kadrey, "Food Chain Blues" (2002)
Richard Kadrey, "Heat Island" (2002)
Richard Kadrey, "SETI" (2002)
Richard Kadrey, "Zombie" (2002)
James Patrick Kelly, "Monsters" (1992)
James Patrick Kelly, "The Pyramid of Amirah" (2002)
Jay Lake, "Chain of Fools" (in Subterranean Magazine, summer 2008)
Richard Larson, "Good Night" (2008)
Hilary Moon Murphy, "The Grand Cheat" (2008) [podcast]
Silvia Moreno-Garcia, "MAQUECH" (2008)
Frank Lillie Pollack, "Finis" (1906)
Rudy Rucker, "The Men in the Back Room at the Country Club" (2005)
Nat Schachner, "Crystallized Thought" (1937)
Robert Sheckley, "Reborn Again" (2005)
Ramsey Shehadeh, "Jimmy's Roadside Cafe" (2008)
M.P. Shiel, The Purple Cloud (1901)
Rachel Swirsky, "Marrying the Sun" (2008)
E. Charles Vivian, The Ninth Life (1939)
Edgar Wallace, The Clue of the Silver Key (1930)
Stanley G. Weinbaum, "Proteus Island" (1936)
Walter Jon Williams, "The Green Leopard Plague" (2003)

L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) X-D

瑞典作家 A. R. Yngve 作品大放送:


科幻大師 Brian W. Aldiss 獲頒利物浦大學榮譽博士

為表彰科幻大師 Brian W. Aldiss 對於世界科幻發展與研究的貢獻,利物浦大學特別頒發給他榮譽博士學位。

Aldiss 大師 1958 年獲得「最有前途的新作家獎」以後一直創作不輟,1999 年獲得 SFWA 大師獎。儘管嘴上不承認,但他也是 60s 英國新浪潮的代表人物之一。代表作品有 Non-StopHothouse、Helliconia 系列等。短篇 "Super-Toys Last All Summer Long" 後來改編成電影 A. I. 而為此間科幻族群所知。學術方面,Aldiss 編寫出具有真正通史意義的科幻史鉅作──Billion Year Spree(後改寫為 Trillion Year Spree)。

大師於七月一日在利物浦的 Philharmonic Hall 受獎,並對超過四千名畢業生發表演說。


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