
The Moon's a harsh mistress, the Moon can be so cold......


The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Jimmy Webb
See her how she flies
Golden sails across the sky
Close enough to touch
But careful if you try
Though she looks as warm as gold
The moon's a harsh mistress
The moon can be so cold

Once the sun did shine
Lord, it felt so fine
The moon a phantom rose
Through the mountains and the pines
And then the darkness fell
And the moon's a harsh mistress
It's so hard to love her well

I fell out of her eyes
I fell out of her heart
I fell down on my face
Yes, I did, and I -- I tripped and I missed my star
God, I fell and I fell alone, I fell alone
And the moon's a harsh mistress
And the sky is made of stone

The moon's a harsh mistress
She's hard to call your own.

Radka Toneff 的版本,我最喜歡的版本,很空靈:

Joan Baez 的版本,有點 too powerful:

原作者 Jimmy Webb 的版本:

挪威歌手 Vigdis Wisur 的版本:

好啦,其實要說的是......某書終於翻完了,真的很累,不過為了愛嘛。不敢說我翻得有多好,但至少我希望能抓住原著的精神,起碼絕對沒有 censorship,也不會把「香港」變成「新加坡」。


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