
H. G. Wells Module: A Selected Reading List

* selected by Mr. Andy Sawyer

You'll find Wells's early scientific essays useful and interesting, including "The Man of the Year Million", but don't neglect his political and general literary works. The aspect of utopianism in Wells's fiction is important, so you will find resonances and cross-references with the utopias module. The speculations of other contemporary science writers/scientists of the time (e.g. J. B. S. Haldane, Possible Worlds) are also interesting. General political histories of the pre-war 20th century might be of use, but you might also find material on the Technocracy movement of the early '30s relevant to Wells's though as it becomes filtered through later sf. There's a website with some interesting information on http://www.technocracy.org/briefs/b50.html

Please read Wells's introduction to Scientific Romances of H. G. Wells (Gollancz 1935) and some biographical material (including his Experiment in Autobiography)

Remember the special issues of Foundation on The Time Machine (No 65, Autumn 1995) and The War of the Worlds (No 77, Autumn 1999). Back issues of these are available from me.

Nicholas Ruddick's Ultimate Island is one of a number of a surprisingly small number of books on British science fiction; for the tradition of the "scientific romance" Brian Stableford's The Scientific Romance in Britain, 1890-1950 is essential.

Selected Material on H. G. Wells
BEGONZI, Bernard, The Early H. G. Wells: A Study of the Scientific Romances (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1961)
COREN, Michael, The Invisible Man: The Life and Liberties of H. G. Wells (LondonL Bloomsbury, 1993)
DICKSON, Lovat, H. G. Wells: His Turbulent Life and Times (London: Readers Union, Macmillan, 1971)
HAMMOND, John R (ed.), H. G. Wells: Interviews and Recollections (London: Macmillan, 1980) [Includes 2 short pieces by Wells.]
HAYNES, Roslynn D, H. G. Wells -- Discoverer of the Future: The Influence of Science on His Thought (London: Macmillan, 1980)
HILLEGAS, Mark Robert, The Future as Nightmare: H. G. Wells and the Anti-Utopians (New York: Oxford University Press, 1967)
LAKE, David, Darwin and Doom: H. G. Wells and the Time Machine (New Lambton, NSW: Nimrod Publications, 1997)
MACKENZIE, Norman Ian, H. G. Wells: A Biography (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1973)
MACKENZIE, Norman Ian & Jeanne Mackenzie, The Time Traveller: The Life of H. G. Wells (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1973)
PARRINDER, Patrick, H. G. Wells (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1970)
PARRINDER, Patrick, H. G. Wells: The Critical Heritage (London; Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972)
PARRINGER, Patrick, Shadows of the Future: H. G. Wells, Science Fiction and Prophecy (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1995)
RAKNEM, Ingvald, H. G. Wells and His Critics (George Allen & Unwin, 1962)
SCHEICK, William J, H. G. Wells: A Reference Guide (Boston, Mass.: G. K. Hall, 1988)
SMITH, David Clayton, H. G. Wells -- Desperately Mortal: A Biography (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986)
VERNIER, Jean-Pierre, H. G. Wells at the Turn of the Century: From Science Fiction to Anticipation (H. G. Wells Society, 1972)
ZAMYATIN, Evgenii, "Wells's Revolutionary Fairy-Tales" in Parrinder (ed.), H. G. Wells: The Critical Heritage

There is also considerable literature on Wells in journals and elsewhere.

C. S. Lewis, "On Science Fiction" and "Unreal Estates" in Of Other Worlds: Essays and Stories (London: Bles, 1966). "Unreal Estates" also appears as "The Establishment Must Die and Rot" in SF Horizons (Spring 1964)

Journal Articles (selected)
Allen Virginia, "Ethos and Marginalization in the Henry James / H. G. Wells Affair [Part One]" in Extrapolation, Winter 1992, 33 (4): 317-332.
-----, "The Ethos of English Departments: Henry James and H. G. Wells Continued" in Extrapolation, Winter 1993, 34(4): 290-304.
Hollinger, Veronica, "Deconstructing the Time Machine" in Science-Fiction Studies, Jul 1987, 14(42): 201-221.
Hughes, David Y., "Criticism in English of H. G. Wells's Science Fiction" in Science-Fiction Studies, Nov 1979, 6(19): 309-319.
Huntingdon, John, "Utopian and Anti-Utopian Logic: H. G. Wells and His Successors" in Science-Fiction Studies, Jul 1982, 9(27): 122-146.

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