
Utopias Module: A Selected Reading List

* selected by Mr. Andy Sawyer

The essential text, of course is Thomas More's Utopia, which can be found in a readable modern English translation published by Penguin. There are many critical studies of utopias and utopianism. The following is a selection, which you may select from according to your interests.

Alkon, Paul. The Origins of Futuristic Fiction (1987)
Benford, Gregory. "Reactionary Utopias", in G. Slusser, C. Greenland and E. S. Rabkin, eds., Storm Warnings: Science Fiction Confronts the Future (1987), pp. 73-83.
Claeys, Gregory. Utopias of the British Enlightenment (1994)
Claeys, Gregory ed. Modern British Utopias, 1700-1850 (1997)
Cousins, A. D. and Grace, Damian, eds. More's Utopia and the Utopian Inheritance (1995)
Davis, J. C. Utopia and the Ideal Society: A Study of English UtopianWriting, 1516-1700 (1981)
Donawerth, Jane L. and Kolmerten, Carol A., eds. Utopian and Science Fiction by Women: Worlds of Difference (1994)
Eliav-Felden, Miriam. Realistic Utopias: The Ideal Imaginary Societies of the Renaissance, 1516-1630 (1982)
Ferns, Chris. Narrating Utopia: Ideology, Gender, Form in Utopian Literature (1999)
Goodwin, Barbara and Taylor, Keith. The Politics of Utopia: A Study in Theory and Practice (1982)
Hexter, J. A. More's Utopia: The Biography of an Idea (1976)
Holquist, Michael. "How to Play Utopia: Some Brief Notes on the Distinctiveness of Utopian Literature", in Mark Rose ed., Science Fiction: A Collection of Critical Essays (1976), pp. 132-146.
James, Edward. Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century (1994)
James, Edward. "Utopias and Anti-Utopias" in The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction (2003)
Kessler, Carol Farley, "Bibliography of Utopian Fiction by United States Women, 1836-1988", in Utopian Studies 1 (1990), pp. 1-58.
Lake David J. "The White Sphinx and the Whitened Lemur: Images of Death in The Time Machine". Science-Fiction Studies. 1979 Mar; 6(17): 77-84.
Lehman, Steven. "The Motherless Child in Science Fiction: Frankenstein and Moreau". Science-Fiction Studies. 1992 Mar; 19(56): 49-58.
Neulieb, Janice. "Technology and Theocracy: The Cosmic Voyages of Wells and Lewis". Extrapolation. 1975 May; 16(2): 130-136.
Ower, John. "Theme and Technique in H. G. Wells's 'The Star'". Extrapolation. 1977 May; 18(2): 167-175.
Pagetti, Carlo. "The First Men in the Moon: H. G. Wells and the Fictional Strategy of His 'Scientific Romances'". Science-Fiction Studies. 1980 Jul; 7(21): 124-134.
Parrinder, Patrick. "Imagining the Future: Zamyatin and Wells". Science-Fiction Studies. 1973 Spring; 1(1): 17-26.
-----. "News from Nowhere, the Time Machine, and the Break-up of Classical Realism". Science-Fiction Studies. 1976 Nov; 3(10): 265-274.
-----. "Utopia and Meta-Utopia in H. G. Wells". Science-Fiction Studies. 1985 Jul; 12(36): 115-128.
Sandner, David. "Shooting for the Moon: Melies, Verne, Wells, and the Imperial Satire". Extrapolation. 1998 Spring; 39(1): 5-25.
Scafella, Frank. "The White Sphinx and The Time Machine". Science-Fiction Studies. 1981 Nov; 8(25): 255-265.
Wells, H. G. "Utopias". Science-Fiction Studies. 1982 Jul; 9(27): 117-121.

Also consider Science-Fiction Studies, Foundation, or Extrapolation.

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