
2009 Stoker Awards 得獎名單

今年度的 Stoker Awards 於昨晚開獎,得獎名單如下:

Superior Achievement in a Novel
Duma Key by Stephen King (Scribner)

Superior Achievement in a First Novel
The Gentling Box by Lisa Mannetti (Dark Hart Press)

Superior Achievement in Long Fiction
Miranda by John R. Little (Bad Moon Books)

Superior Achievement in Short Fiction
"The Lost" by Sarah Langan (Cemetery Dance Publications)

Superior Achievement in an Anthology
Unspeakable Horror, edited by Vince A. Liaguno and Chad Helder (Dark Scribe Press)

Superior Achievement in a Collection
Just After Sunset by Stephen King (Scribner)

Superior Achievement in Nonfiction
A Hallowe'en Anthology by Lisa Morton (McFarland)

Superior Achievement in a Poetry Collection
The Nightmare Collection by Bruce Boston (Dark Regions Press)

The Silver Hammer Award (for service to the organization): Sephera Giron
Richard Laymon President's Award: John Little
Specialty Press Award: Bloodletting Press
Lifetime Achievement Awards: F. Paul Wilson and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro




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